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Tips for Staging with Plants

Natural design elements have been on trend for the past few years. Sustainable
wood, stone, and fabrics add simple beauty to spaces in all parts of the home. The
color palette of these materials tends to be soft beiges, creams, and browns;
lovely tones but without a pop of color, create cool, drab rooms that lack
personality. In keeping with the natural theme, designers and stagers are using
plants to add dimension and warmth.

Decorating with plants takes more strategy than adding a pretty pot to a coffee
table. Here are a few tips for incorporating plants into the design scheme that
home stagers use to make a home more appealing:
• Choose Low-Maintenance Plants – Choose plants that do not require a lot
of attention and water. This is especially helpful if the home is for sale.
• No Pollen – Asking ahead of time if a plant can trigger allergies will prevent
issues for guests and buyers.
• Mix and Match – Choose a variety of colors, heights, and textures.
• Showcase Home Features – Bight plants will attract attention. Consider a
tall plant to showcase the ceiling height or a bright bloom to draw the
buyer’s attention to a great view.
• Remember Stands and Pots – Make sure to choose pots or stands that
complement the design of the room.

Home design has embraced sustainable, green themes. Adding lush greenery to a
light-toned room will add warmth and make the home more inviting to potential

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