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  • The Basics of Home EV Charging Stations

The Basics of Home EV Charging Stations

Electric vehicles are becoming commonplace in American households. While
these innovative cars may allow their owners to pass the gas station, but they still
need fuel which means that access to a charging station is important to keep
these owners on the road.
To provide easy access to electricity, many owners are opting to install their own
charging stations in their homes. This allows easy overnight charging and less
stopping while driving around town. Typically located inside a garage, home
charging allows the driver to avoid long waits for on-the-go charging or going out
of their way to find a station.

Unlike a standard electrical outlet, EV stations have a specialized charging cable
that allows a quick charge for the vehicle. The charging cable may be generic or
brand-specific, depending on the model and make of the car. The stations are
connected to the home’s electrical system and the energy used will be added to
the electrical bill each month.
Solar-Powered charging stations have also become increasingly popular. This
involves adding solar panels and batteries to the charging station and powering
only the charging unit. This can be added even if the homeowner does not have
solar power for the rest of the house.
As more people embrace EV technology and car companies offer more models
and styles, electric vehicles will become more commonplace. By learning about
the manufacturer’s specifications and using professional installers, adding a home
charging station will make owning these cars an easy transition.

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