Monthly Archives: November 2021
Renovations During Labor Shortage
Home Improvements During Labor Shortage Tight labor markets are affecting industries across the country. Skilled andunskilled jobs remain unfilled as employers struggle to find prospectiveemployees. For anyone ready to hire a contractor or handyman to perform homeimprovement projects, this shortage is causing frustration. As more peopleembrace the “staycation” and seek ways to upgrade their homes,... Read More
Homebuyer Compromises
First-time homebuyers are struggling to find affordable housing. Unlike recentyears, when inventory was high and finding a great home, was easier, now buyersare faced with either postponing homeownership or making compromises. It mayfeel hard to compromise, but it’s important to remember that this is your firsthome, not your dream home. If you are faced with... Read More
Pricing for a Slower Market
An unexpected byproduct of the pandemic has been a booming housing market.As Covid-19 hit the country, the housing supply was already low, and thelockdown depressed the volume even more. As more homebuyers began lookingfor new homes, fueled by the ability to work-from-home and low interest rates,sellers have been experiencing a strong seller’s market. As we... Read More